The VA offers a plentiful amount of benefits for service members, veterans, and their family. Click on the links below to learn more on the benefits offered.

The VA offers benefits to veterans’ family and caregivers. While each benefit has their own set of qualification, it is recommended to for the veteran to investigate these possible benefits.

The VA records program offers a variety of options for veterans to receive and modify their record.

VA life insurance is provided to eligible veterans and service members to provide financial security to surviving family members. VA life insurance can be offered to eligible veterans who have become totally disabled or terminally ill.

The VA offers burial benefits for eligible veterans. Burial benefits can assist a veteran’s family in planning and paying for burial and memorial services.

The VA offers veterans housing assistance than can help eligible veterans buy, refinance, build, improve, or keep their home.

The VA offers pension for low income wartime veterans who meet certain criteria. VA pension is a monthly payment given to veterans who qualify.

The VA offers career and employment assistance for veterans. VA helps veterans with finding the best career path to helping veterans who owe a small business.

VA offers qualified veterans different programs education programs to cover college tuition, trade school, and on-the-job training.

VA disability compensation is a program that offers payment to veterans who received a disability while on military service or if an existing condition was made worse while in the service.

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Veterans County Service Officers Association of Texas.