VCSOAT Women Veteran Coordinators are here to help you gain access to the benefits you deserve as a veteran of the US Military. We are specialists in VA claims, and will treat you with care and respect.
“Monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care and benefits services, and programs for women Veterans. Serve as an advocate for a cultural transformation (both within VA and in the general public) in recognizing the service and contributions of women Veterans and women in the military. Raise awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect”
With more women veterans choosing to access health care with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), they report that there are still some barriers that need to be removed within the VA. “That’s why one of the core components of the mission of the Center for Women Veterans is to advocate for cultural transformation to raise awareness about the service and sacrifice of women Veterans”.
The CWV is constantly discussing and researching new resources and issues that women veterans have faced and are currently facing. The issues will range from employment, new partnerships, health services, and much more.
The new Director, Kayla Williams, has been constantly updating the CWV’s “Messages from the Center”. It is highly encouraged that all individuals who are women veterans or work with women veterans check out the following link as
new blogs and messages are constantly being added: Messages from the Center
The Center for Women Veterans welcomes comments and concerns regarding issues that women veterans are experiencing. Their contact information is listed on their webpage.
Women’s Health Services –
Women Veterans Call Center – 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636)
Center for Women Veterans –
Locate the nearest VA facility –
Check VA eligibility –
VA benefit information –
VA Homeless program –
VA Homeless Hotline – 1-877-4AIDVET (1-877-424-3838)
Veterans Crisis Hotline – 1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Access to eBenefits –
Access to My Health eVet –
VA Apps for Mobile Devices – *Click here for attachment*
VA’s Women Health Services office (Women’s Health) provides programmatic and strategic support to implement positive changes in the provision of care for all women Veterans.
In 1988, the Women Veterans Health Program was created to streamline services for women Veterans in order to provide more cost-effective medical and psychosocial care. At that time 4.4 percent of Veterans were women. The current projected percentage of U.S. Veterans who are women is 8 percent. For the most recent projections, visit VetPOP.
The Women Veterans Health Program was elevated to a Strategic Health Care Group within the Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards in 2007, increasing its scope of activities to include all services provided to women Veterans. VA is actively addressing resource needs so that the proper training, as well as equipment and supplies (including DEXA scans, mammography machines, ultra-sound and biopsy equipment) are in place in facilities. Locate a facility to find out more.
As part of the realignment of the Veterans Health Administration, effective March 27, 2011, Women’s Health became part of the Office of Patient Care Services (PCS) and the program office name was changed to Women’s Health Services in August 2012. The reorganization affords greater opportunities for collaboration between Women’s Health and programs including Primary Care, Mental Health, Specialty Care like cardiology and pain management, and other offices within PCS. Learn more about PCS.
Women Veterans Health Care addresses the health care needs of women Veterans and works to ensure that timely, equitable, high-quality, comprehensive health care services are provided in a sensitive and safe environment at VA health facilities nationwide. We strive to be a national leader in the provision of health care for women, thereby raising the standard of care for all women.
To fulfill this mission, Women Veterans Health Care works to make certain that all eligible women Veterans requesting VA care are assured of: